What Is The Raw Pet Food Diet?

Several pet owners are slowly realizing the fact that raw pet food can be a healthy food options for their pets and also delicious at the same time. But quite a few dog owners are still not certain about letting their pet feed on fruits, raw meats, vegetables and bones, especially after having made their dogs accustomed to processed and packaged pet foods. In this article, we present to you views of certain experts on raw pet food's advantages and disadvantages.

How did the "raw pet food" concept come about?

A diet of bones and raw food - known by the acronym BARF - was originally only fed to racing greyhounds until a vet, Ian Billinghurst suggested in the 1930s that the diet would be suitable for any dog. It's also been pointed out that BARF can just as appropriately stand for biologically appropriate raw food.

What made people believe that pets would have benefited from such a diet?

Billinghurst believed that if there was a diet for dogs that could be traced to a time when they ate what they initially ate, then they would thrive. He believed that if dogs ate raw meats, fruits, and veggies, then they would reach optimal health than if they followed the common domesticated diet. The idea of a raw pet food diet is thought to have come in 1930.

Why is there so much controversy surrounding raw pet food?

Just like any other kind of diet, there are pros and cons surrounding the raw pet food diet. Some experts believe that the right way to feed your dog is to feed them packaged dog food. Then there are experts that believe the only true healthy way to feed your dog is via the raw pet food diet. Below are the pros and cons of the diet:

Pros of the diet:

• Great for the coat and skin
• Better looking teeth and cleaner teeth
• Increased energy
• Shorter bowel movements

If you want your dog to have cleaner and better-looking teeth, skin and coat, as well as shorter bowel movements and more energy, then consider putting them on a raw diet.

The Cons

• Raw meat could have bacteria content
• Over an extended time period, an unbalanced diet may cause harm to your dog
• An unbalanced diet can be harmful to your dog if maintained over a longer period.

If any of those disadvantages are too much for you to handle, then don't consider putting them on the diet.

Dog owners should carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding to give their dog raw food. The Natural dog food diet might be good for most dogs, but it isn't a one-size fit all kind of diet. You want to make the right choice for your pet, therefore you should take the time to do additional research on the raw pet food diet.

How To Buy The Right Food For Your Dog



Every pet owner wants to keep his dog as healthy as possible for long. However, with a wide variety of healthy pet food available in pet stores, choosing the right type of dog food can sometimes be overwhelming. Although preparing raw dog food is becoming quite popular in the USA, it is always best to choose pet food according to your pet's favorite flavor's as well as his overall lifestyle. 

Dog Food: Types

Dry food, also known as kibbles is one of the most popular types of dog food. This type of pet food not only makes it an easy and filling meal for your pet, but is also affordable and available easily. 

Wet dog food contains high levels of fats, proteins and water content. Therefore, if you are feeding your dog with wet food, ensure that you increase the food quantity. 

Raw dog food is manufactured commercially and is perhaps one of the most common types of dog food used by most pet owners. Raw food for dogs can be purchased easily from any pet store or grocery store. 

Raw dog food does not contain any nitrates, chemicals, preservatives, dyes or soluble hydrates. It is, therefore, a great food option for dogs with food allergies. However, when feeding your pet with raw food, it is recommended by FDA that you follow hygiene practices to prevent any serious health problem. 

The labels on the cans and packages of dog food, both dry and wet have ingredients that are good for your dog's health.  However, the list may also include some undesirable ingredients such as offal, bone meal and other unsavory products. 

When buying dog food, it is always good to choose the one that follows strict FDA guidelines. The FDA regulations not only lays strict rules regarding what the food should contain and what it is should not, but also ensure that the food you feed your pet is safe and is prepared hygienic conditions. 
Most pet owners consider their dog as an important member of the family and want them to stay happy and healthy for life. Buying store bought food for dogs is usually healthy, safe and palatable especially because of the completion that pet food companies have to get business from pet owners. 

One of the best ways to ensure that you are giving your pet the best dog food possible is to study the ingredient list and strictly follow instruction written on the bag or can. In addition, considering certain factors, such as your dog's age, breed, and reproductive status is also important when choosing healthy dog food for your pet.
